Friday, 13 February 2009

Mike Ryan Talk // Take 1

As I missed the one minute presentation as I was out of Bournemouth. Mike Ryan gave me and one of my peers a 2 to 1 talk on how the project was going so far and how we could kick start ourselves into moving forward. He liked my idea and thought it be best for me to look into separate aspects of the world we live in to influence me with my work.

As my professional project is to do with the fashion industry I am going to have to look into the ways the recession has affected the shopping market. Whether prices have changed much.

Magazines, cut out as many appropriate material as I can find and annotate, it may be expensive but it will count for a nice part of my research. Also look into the higher market, such as companies like Gucci, Armani, Hugo Boss, D&G. Find out why they are more expensive than high street companies. The sophistication of the higher prices companies. Analise anything and everything.

Come up with various possibilities for the name of the company I am going to create. Possible get my peers to decide on a final.

Most of all, step away from what I know and push myself further than I have ventured, hopefully it will pay off.

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