IDEA #1.
My client wanted me to do something with digital numbers as has been shown earlier in the blog. Yet after talking over the design we both agreed that it just did not work. Lettering could be confused with others and the design just didn't have the nice effect you want from a logo. As you can see from my first idea, I based it round the idea of what happens at 3Am, and the truth is; not much. Apart from the fact the moon and stars are out. So I started playing around with these concepts, and to tell you the truth, the star idea just ended up looking tacky but I quite like how this one came out. I used a font I always tend to use (Century Gothic) which gave it a modern classy feel. The moon seperates the two as Media will change to Films and Music depending on which page you are on.

IDEA #2.
I have kept to a similar concept yet instead of having a slither of moon I went for the full moon. Yet a filled circle just didn't look right, so I just put a fairly thick stroke on it. I also changed the font from Century Gothic to Gill Sans MT.

I was then informed that the client wanted to call the company 3AM Media Productions and use the red circle as the main focus of the design of the brand. You can't have a company without business cards. So here they are. I experimented with all the other colours yet as they wanted to red to be the main focus here is the result.

Play on different circular designs.
After looking into the "finished" design work, my client then asked if there was anything else I could do to the circles to not make them so simple. Here are the outcomes. In the end they decided to stick to the single circle. What do you think?

and finally, just a screen shot of what the current web page looks like.

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