Every autistic individual had a bit of an "obsession" with certain things. I have had first hand experience with an autistic child and his obsession was papers. He tore us pages out of books into strip, all exactly the same size. No word of a lie he had about 10,000 of them. They were all sorted into different piles, and if one paper was missing, he would know which one it was and would be able to find it. I used that as my starter point for the first design.

room. There were many different designs before I landed on this one, but this was my favourite.

During the ideas generation crit last Friday, Neil brought up a couple of interesting facts about the hearing of autistic individuals. This led me to do a bit of research on the hearing, which then led to th idea of sound waves. By picking relevant sections of the research I had done, I came up with these two designs.

Yet I just stil didn't have what I wanted. I therefore started playing around with a bit of colour, to spice it up a little bit, something completely off the point of autism. This led to the next few designs which I am pretty pleased with. The different colours are just different variations of the design.

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