I learnt a lot for the lecture, I learnt that the UK is the highest exporter of creativity in the modern era. I learnt to go further than you believe you can go and to never fear failure, have a good go at an opportunity when it arrises. But the most important advice I learnt was to never be a pigeon hole designer, don't be a graphic/web/fashion designer, just be a designer!
Thursday, 27 November 2008
On the 27th October 2008 at 2:30pm I attended a lecture by Wayne Hemingway who together with his wife created the world famous Red or Dead. The talk was very informative and he gave me a good insight into what a designer really should be like. I am going to do a bit of research into TRASHION and VELIB as they portray the design world in it's best form nowadays.
27th October 08
It has been nearly a week since I handed my Visual Communication in Context 2 unit. Overall I was pleased with my end result, I managed to get everything I wanted done. Looking forward to seeing what my result is and how I can improve.
Today we got our second unit; Screen Based Communication 2. The objective is to produce a web site that will house my work, acting as an online portfolio and curriculum vitae. Our site must be designed to be part of an integrated web campaign.
To understand the characteristics of contemporary web-based culture and user-centered design.
To understand the current state of technology in relation to web design.
To develop analytical skills, organisational skills and creative ability in order to express ideas and communicate information interactively.
I have been looking forward to this project since last year when seeing the second year's work. When I have had a spare minute here and there I have been working towards creating a brand for myself. Last year a friend an I toyed with the idea of creating a media productions company. He is an editor and is based mainly around film, I am a graphic designer, working together we have a broad range of working techniques. I came up with the name AIIEX but we have never really followed through with the idea. I was debating using the company brand for this screen based project but thought better to design my own personal website and look into doing AIIEX at a later date.
Introduction Notes
Website - Online Portfolio
Good industry to get into
Make sure you never have to use the back button the site.
Integrated Web Campaign - Linking it to other sites...Facebook, Flickr, Blogger etc.
Common Type Fonts - Gill Sans, Century Gothic, Arial, Helvetica.
What is the Web? (Book) Rotavision.
Web 2.0 - User Interaction - GMail.
Photoshop Online.
View ----> View Source
Window ----> Activity
Could create a new splash page for vizcom.org
Good pencil drawn mock-ups saves you a lot of time.
So does flow charts and story boards.
What I need to hand in at the end
Final Site uploaded on server.
Files on CD-R.
Design Sheets.
Looking forward to it!
Friday, 14 November 2008
14th October 08
Today we had the final critique for the Animal Packaging project. It went very well with both tutors and my peers liking the idea and concept of the design. The colour scheme is still to be decided, whether its to be both male and female separately or unisex. These will be decided before the hand in date. We now have a whole week to finish everything off.
Thursday, 13 November 2008
13th October 08
After being pretty pleased with my attempt at what my final piece could look like I took it into Uni for an analysis from Neil. He liked the concept of the idea yet didn't think it looked real enough. Therefore he showed me how to extrude and add appropriate shading to make the object seem more realistic. Here was the outcome.
The original Illustrator piece was in colour yet for some reason when I copied it into Photoshop the colour just packed up it's belongings and left. Even so, I am very pleased with the outcome. It looks much more realistic and looks more and more like the real thing. The next thing to do was to add a potential graphic. I chose the snowboarding graphic of the mountain as it just looked the nicest to go with the unintentional grey packaging. Here is the result.
It was also advised to do some technical drawings as well.


Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
11th October 08
As the final deadline for the Animal packaging project approaches I have come up with three seperate designs.
This was my first idea. It is pretty self explanitory. A very simple design that just houses the watch and opens up at a 90' angle. At first I thought it looked nice, yet over time the design just got boring.

This was my second idea. As your can see it's a lot more complicated than the first one. From the outside it just looks like a normal rectangular box, yet when you open the first section as show in the first image to reveal the watch, you notice that there is a "secret" sliding draw which slides out and opens to reveal a tool depending on the sport. i.e Snowboarding would be a Binding Tool. It would be made from the good quality cardboard that Apple uses to package there Mac range. This would give it a quality feel and would be strong enough to house both the watch and the tool. Plus, cardboard can be recycled.

I came up with this design yesterday as I was starting to go off my second idea. I really like how this works. The cyclinder seperates into two by swivelling around on a pivot to reveal the watch, or tool, depending which Animal prefers. It is held in its stationary state by a tiny magnet placed inside each section. The second part it that the Animal Logo is a button to release a lid that reveals either the tool or the watch. This is held by a tiny latch that the button releases. The shape is very uni-sex and the colours will depend on what Animal wants. Overall I think it is a very nice design that I could see working well in the industry.

I have also come up with some graphics that would go on each design depending on the sport the watch is aimed at.

This was my first idea. It is pretty self explanitory. A very simple design that just houses the watch and opens up at a 90' angle. At first I thought it looked nice, yet over time the design just got boring.

This was my second idea. As your can see it's a lot more complicated than the first one. From the outside it just looks like a normal rectangular box, yet when you open the first section as show in the first image to reveal the watch, you notice that there is a "secret" sliding draw which slides out and opens to reveal a tool depending on the sport. i.e Snowboarding would be a Binding Tool. It would be made from the good quality cardboard that Apple uses to package there Mac range. This would give it a quality feel and would be strong enough to house both the watch and the tool. Plus, cardboard can be recycled.

I came up with this design yesterday as I was starting to go off my second idea. I really like how this works. The cyclinder seperates into two by swivelling around on a pivot to reveal the watch, or tool, depending which Animal prefers. It is held in its stationary state by a tiny magnet placed inside each section. The second part it that the Animal Logo is a button to release a lid that reveals either the tool or the watch. This is held by a tiny latch that the button releases. The shape is very uni-sex and the colours will depend on what Animal wants. Overall I think it is a very nice design that I could see working well in the industry.

I have also come up with some graphics that would go on each design depending on the sport the watch is aimed at.

Sunday, 9 November 2008
9th October 08
Whilst working on my packaging project I've also been working on the 3AM Media Productions assignment. Over the past couple of weeks we have been conferring with my client on which designs he prefers and have come up with a final. They are as follows;
IDEA #1.
My client wanted me to do something with digital numbers as has been shown earlier in the blog. Yet after talking over the design we both agreed that it just did not work. Lettering could be confused with others and the design just didn't have the nice effect you want from a logo. As you can see from my first idea, I based it round the idea of what happens at 3Am, and the truth is; not much. Apart from the fact the moon and stars are out. So I started playing around with these concepts, and to tell you the truth, the star idea just ended up looking tacky but I quite like how this one came out. I used a font I always tend to use (Century Gothic) which gave it a modern classy feel. The moon seperates the two as Media will change to Films and Music depending on which page you are on.

IDEA #2.
I have kept to a similar concept yet instead of having a slither of moon I went for the full moon. Yet a filled circle just didn't look right, so I just put a fairly thick stroke on it. I also changed the font from Century Gothic to Gill Sans MT.

I was then informed that the client wanted to call the company 3AM Media Productions and use the red circle as the main focus of the design of the brand. You can't have a company without business cards. So here they are. I experimented with all the other colours yet as they wanted to red to be the main focus here is the result.

Play on different circular designs.
After looking into the "finished" design work, my client then asked if there was anything else I could do to the circles to not make them so simple. Here are the outcomes. In the end they decided to stick to the single circle. What do you think?

and finally, just a screen shot of what the current web page looks like.

IDEA #1.
My client wanted me to do something with digital numbers as has been shown earlier in the blog. Yet after talking over the design we both agreed that it just did not work. Lettering could be confused with others and the design just didn't have the nice effect you want from a logo. As you can see from my first idea, I based it round the idea of what happens at 3Am, and the truth is; not much. Apart from the fact the moon and stars are out. So I started playing around with these concepts, and to tell you the truth, the star idea just ended up looking tacky but I quite like how this one came out. I used a font I always tend to use (Century Gothic) which gave it a modern classy feel. The moon seperates the two as Media will change to Films and Music depending on which page you are on.

IDEA #2.
I have kept to a similar concept yet instead of having a slither of moon I went for the full moon. Yet a filled circle just didn't look right, so I just put a fairly thick stroke on it. I also changed the font from Century Gothic to Gill Sans MT.

I was then informed that the client wanted to call the company 3AM Media Productions and use the red circle as the main focus of the design of the brand. You can't have a company without business cards. So here they are. I experimented with all the other colours yet as they wanted to red to be the main focus here is the result.

Play on different circular designs.
After looking into the "finished" design work, my client then asked if there was anything else I could do to the circles to not make them so simple. Here are the outcomes. In the end they decided to stick to the single circle. What do you think?

and finally, just a screen shot of what the current web page looks like.

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