Thursday 8 January 2009

Flash Reloaded

It's been a while since I've set about doing a blog. I've been very busy over the Christmas period, I worked at Lime Green again which is doing me good, especially as it is improving my Uni work. But first off, I have some notes that need to be put on here from the Flash recap lesson, so here goes...

Actionscript 2.0
Time based
EPS 8 (Illustrator)
.swf (Illustrator)
Frame rate:
12fps - web animation
24fps - tv animation (UK)
25fps - tv animation (US)

Select everything ---> Click and drag over it
Convert to symbol ---> Button

3 Buttons = 3 Key frames
Click between Layer 1 and pencil to highlight all
Needs to be housed in HTML
New Layer ---> Stop
Window ---> actions ---> timeline ---> double click ();
Movie clip controls ---> user controls
Timeline control ---> Flash moving through time, previous frame etc
Browser/Network ---> Linking to external files, links etc
Click on Button 2 ---> actions ---> movieclip ---> on (release)
next line, timeline ---> goto and stop (2) (2 represents the frame number)

Circle > convert to symbol > movieclip > holder > centre > double click > delete > single cross
To get back to backboard click 'Scene 1'

Actions > on (release)

Link to external website
Actions > on (press)

Text Button:
Double click on text
UP - When mouse click is released
OVER - When the mouse is hovering over
DOWN - When the text is clicked
HIT - Clickable area. Draw a fairly big square over it so whole area is active

Make sure the control button is way off screen.

Control > Actions > on(keypress"")

///////////////// - Acts as dividers

To drag with the mouse:
New Layer > Actions >


hit._rotation -=10;
drag._alpha -=3;
hit.rotation = 0

All looks very straight forward right? Once you have the program in front of you and you start playing around with it it becomes pretty straight forward.

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