Sunday, 8 March 2009

Eden Frankham & PPRD

Right, tomorrow we have to hand in our PPRD. I have now finished both my portfolio and my CV which I am pleased with, all thats left to do is carry on doing my blog. I have also made plans to build myself a new website which will house the design of my latest portfolio. The PDF portfolio I have designed is clean, crisp and well presented, which basically portrays my perfectionist personality. I may have to see about changing the greetings cards page as it is the page that I feel lets the portfolio down.

As well as finishing off my PPRD, arrangements have been made with Eden Frankham to have a meeting on Tuesday 10th at around 1.30pm. He is going to meet us in the base and go from there. A great start to our Work Related Learning experience.

Tuesday is going to be a very busy day as we have Hamish Muir coming in at half 10 for a lecture. We then have a CV and portfolio session from 12.30pm - 1.30pm (ish) and then on to Eden.

Friday, 6 March 2009

Interim Critique

Today we had another interim critique which went well. There was five of us and we all had fairly similar topics. We were asked to navigate the critique ourselves and make notes on each. Here is mine;

Me: There are 8 weeks left - make a calendar of each seperate week.
For next week produce several types of moodboards - inspirational, cars, style, image, logos, names, shopfront layout.

Going green
Recipe cards
Look into where it will be located
Target audience

Make sure keep organised
Always make sure you can see final goal and exactly what you are doing.

Small handmade short story book.
Collectables to treasure
Afican tales

Organic clothing
Natural materials and inks
Categorizing logos
Look into appropriate shops for primary research.

Overall I think it went really well and we managed to share ideas well.

Reverse (Live Brief)

I was approached by Becky O'Neil who is studying a BA in Photography. Their final show was to be called 'Reverse' and they wanted a logo doing. They had previous logos created yet they were not happy with them and wanted a few ideas in order to move on. I had a meeting that lasted about an hour with Becky and together we came up with many different logos, here is a collection of the most successful ones.

As I had just used this font on my personal website I thought I would give it ago with the Reverse logo. It has a nice look and feel to it yet photography usually tends to be sharp so it didn't really fit the image.

This is the second logo that was produced. The sharp design fits the profile yet it just didn't shout as to either of us.

We then looked at it from a different approach and tried using the Zapfino font. It worked nicely and looked very clean on both the black and the white backgrounds. Yet Becky still thought it didn't fit the bill.

This was the final of the logos we came up with and to be honest both of us liked it the most. We thought it is bold, bright, and remember able which is pretty important.

Unfortunately I recently received an email from Becky saying that they had chosen to use a different logo to any of mine. This was a bit disappointing yet was a good little experience working with a client.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

PPRD Update

Yesterday was just a plain old day plodding along with the FMP. Yet today was a good day! and I can tell that because I am completely nackered. I knew that I had to make a start on my Portfolio now that I had finished my CV and was up to date on my blog.

The first thing that I thought was keep it simple but enable it to blend in with the work that was going in it. I think I went through about six or seven different designs before I reached my final, which I am very pleased with. After looking through the BlueSkiesCreative advice kindly shown by Neil, I knew exactly what I wanted...and here it is.

Please feel free to comment

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Curriculum Vitae

Here is the up to date version of my CV, I have kept it simple and it has been designed to aim at creative companies.

Work Related Learning // WRL // Peer Meeting

Well...yesterday we organised to have a meeting with the four of us doing the WRL, yet only two of us turned up. It wasn't all bad though. Me and Martin realised we had a lot in common when it came to career paths and what we can see ourselves doing in the near future than we thought. We had a discussion about the property he had recently bought in Italy and how I would like to go into the property market sooner rather than later. We also discussed about starting a company and working as a freelance designer.

We then thought it was time to get down to business so started looking at how we will go about arranging trips and meetings with companies. As Kit was going to try and get Claire Blackmore on the 23rd March we didn't need to worry about her. We also found out from Sally that Hamish from Octavo was coming in on 10th March at 10:30am so we didn't need to worry about him either. So we decided to start off with Eden Frankham who was a local that had started his own business with his father; Corvette Printing Ltd. Once we had managed to get the email addresses of both Eden and his father we thought it best to send a quick email asking if it was possible to arrange a meeting to discuss the ins and outs of starting your own business, the email went as follows;
Dear Eden,

As students of The Arts Institute at Bournemouth we were wondering if it was possible for a small group (4 students) to arrange a meeting in order to discuss the in and outs of starting your own business. We are in our second year of the Visual Communication course and as part of our Work Related Learning unit we are required to take a look at the industry with regards to future employment.

You were recommended to us by Kit Johnson, a Senior Associate Lecturer on the Visual Commincation course.

If you are able to help us please could you get back to us with a date and time that is convenient to you.

Kind regards.

Jamie, Martin, Chris and Jenny

Within an hour or so of us emailing I had a reply which was as follows;

Yeah sure that sounds all fine, happy to try and help. Best day for me this week would be Thursday, or if it's easy for you I can do Monday / Tuesday next week. Any of those days I'm free all day. If you want, we can tie it in with the days your at college. If you want to discuss a time you can get back to me with this e-mail or phone me at 01202 729 100.



Me and Martin said Monday at about 10am would be best as we have another WRL session at half 1 that same day, so I will let Martin and the others know and then get back to Eden as soon as possible.

Monday, 2 March 2009

TENTONNE Productions

After watching a few videos by Wagenwerks. A production company that solely films and edits work to do with the VAG (VW and Audi Group) scene. I thought I would come up with an imaginary production company of my own. TENTONNE Productions.

Please comment

Work Related Learning // WRL // Session 2

It was our second session for the WRL unit and hallelujah my peers turned up, which was good as we all get on well and the majority of us have the same interests. We basically went through what I had done in the previous session but in more depth. This is what I brought away from the meeting;

  1. Look at high level companies as well as independent small companies.
  2. Broaden my views on the creative world.
  3. Look at how the business is run.
  4. How do they bring in clients.
  5. How do they settle on a price.
  6. Make sure I attend all portfolio reviews.
  7. Always take your portfolio along to the companies if they agree.
Relevant names:
Laura Walker - Old Vizcom Student
Jonny Whelles - Old Vizcom Student
Stevie Boxall - Old Vizcom Student
Martin Coyne
Eden Frankem - Started his own business
Claire Blackmore - Paintworks. (Talk 23rd March)
Hamish someone - Octavo
Luke Lobbley - Wonderland Magazine
Jeremy Prescott - Gate Worldwide
Steve Gordon - Careers Advice (

ALWAYS MAKE A PLAN!! Thorough research and planning is needed.
Write down what you initial career plan is and do a personal brainstorm on what you would like to get out of this unit.