Friday, 6 March 2009

Interim Critique

Today we had another interim critique which went well. There was five of us and we all had fairly similar topics. We were asked to navigate the critique ourselves and make notes on each. Here is mine;

Me: There are 8 weeks left - make a calendar of each seperate week.
For next week produce several types of moodboards - inspirational, cars, style, image, logos, names, shopfront layout.

Going green
Recipe cards
Look into where it will be located
Target audience

Make sure keep organised
Always make sure you can see final goal and exactly what you are doing.

Small handmade short story book.
Collectables to treasure
Afican tales

Organic clothing
Natural materials and inks
Categorizing logos
Look into appropriate shops for primary research.

Overall I think it went really well and we managed to share ideas well.

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