Sunday, 8 March 2009

Eden Frankham & PPRD

Right, tomorrow we have to hand in our PPRD. I have now finished both my portfolio and my CV which I am pleased with, all thats left to do is carry on doing my blog. I have also made plans to build myself a new website which will house the design of my latest portfolio. The PDF portfolio I have designed is clean, crisp and well presented, which basically portrays my perfectionist personality. I may have to see about changing the greetings cards page as it is the page that I feel lets the portfolio down.

As well as finishing off my PPRD, arrangements have been made with Eden Frankham to have a meeting on Tuesday 10th at around 1.30pm. He is going to meet us in the base and go from there. A great start to our Work Related Learning experience.

Tuesday is going to be a very busy day as we have Hamish Muir coming in at half 10 for a lecture. We then have a CV and portfolio session from 12.30pm - 1.30pm (ish) and then on to Eden.

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